Your Kindness, Their Future:

Our charity provides wildlife veterinary treatment and on-going care for sick or injured Tassie native wildlife.

This includes extensive consultations, anesthesia, x-rays, fluids, critical care, surgery and on-going rehabilitation. Costs include many hours of staff time, medications, and essential funding for equipment and infrastructure to support injured wildlife.

Such efforts are only made possible thanks to the generous support of people like you.

Registered Charity: ACN 665 225 007

Please note: Donations to our charity are currently NOT tax-deductible.
Application pending

Or DONATE directly to our charity account below:

Account Name: Tasmania Wildlife Hospital
Bank BSB: 633 000
Bank Account Number: 206 457 913

While cash donations remain the most versatile way for us to address pressing needs, we understand the desire of some businesses and individuals to contribute in more tangible ways. For this reason, we've compiled a wish list of critical equipment we urgently need at the Wildlife Hospital.

Click the wishlist button above to check out our most pressing needs

A little kindness makes
a big difference

Thank you for caring